Impact MagazineTwo articles I wrote for the summer sports edition July/August 2015 on dog running and trail running tips. In order to get the information that I needed for the content of these articles I interviewed a veterinarian, the owner of a dog running company as well as the owner of a fitness company.
Pg. 28 - Canine Cardio Pg. 32 - Tune up your Trail IQ |
Canadian Running Magazine - Become an Agnostic EaterA review of the book "Diet Cults" by Matt Fitzgerald that I wrote for the Canadian Running Magazine in the summer of 2015.
Pg 32 - Become an Agnostic Eater |
Canadian Running Magazine - Gratitude: A Reason for Running A reflective article that was inspired by a race that I ran with an exceptional stranger. Published September 2014.
Pg 20 - Gratitude: A Reason for Running |
Sassy Mama Hong Kong - A Day Trip to The Chi Lin Nunnery and Kowloon Walled-CityA comprehensive family-friendly guide to spending the day in two of Hong Kong's most intriguing historical spots. Published with Sassy Mama Hong Kong on June 21, 2018.
Sassy Mama Hong Kong - A Guide to the Hong Kong GeoparkA feature piece I wrote for Sassy Mama Hong Kong on how to plan a family friendly trip to the UNESCO geopark in Hong Kong. The park is quite extensive so it required a fair amount of research to compile a straight forward guide. I also took the majority of images for the piece, including the cave image you see on the left. Published August 13, 2018.
Sassy Mama Hong Kong - It's That Time Of The MonthA comprehensive article on what feminine hygiene products in Hong Kong. What to buy and where to get them in Hong Kong. Published with Sassy Mama Hong Kong on March 14, 2018.
Pursuit Canada - Sex & Athletic PerformanceAn interesting piece I wrote on how sex before an athletic event may or may not hinder your performance. Written for Pursuit Canada (formerly DailyXY). Published Spring 2015.
Pursuit Canada - How Posture Leads to Sex AppealA piece on good posture and attraction that was written for Pursuit Canada (formerly DailyXY). Published April 21, 2015.
Pursuit Canada - The Guy's Guide to Eating AgnosticallyA discussion on the benefits of eating all types of foods without exclusion that was written for Pursuit Canada (formerly DailyXY). Published Spring 2015.